fbpx Metro to offer free service on Wednesday for California Clean Air Day
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Home / News / Travel / Metro to offer free service on Wednesday for California Clean Air Day

Metro to offer free service on Wednesday for California Clean Air Day

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Wednesday is California Clean Air Day, and Metro will encourage people to reduce their vehicle trips by offering free access to its bike share program and free rides on its train and buses.

“Metro remains dedicated to reducing tailpipe emissions and air pollution by providing more sustainable ways to get around the region,” said Metro Board Chair and Chair of the L.A. County Supervisors Hilda Solis, who introduced the motion to have free Metro access on Clean Air Day.

“… We know that transportation is the number one cause of our emissions, so I’m encouraging Angelenos of all types to leave their car at home as we take action for clean air.”

People can access the free bike share program by using the promo code 100621 on Wednesday. Buses have already been operating fareless during the COVID-19 pandemic, but trains will go fareless, as well, on Wednesday.

“Clean Air Day is a perfect opportunity to invite Angelenos far and wide to leave their cars at home and reduce their carbon footprint by taking Metro for free October 6,” said Metro CEO Stephanie Wiggins. “Our transit system takes cars off the road and has reduced our region’s greenhouse gas emissions by 6.5 million metric tons of CO2 equivalent over the last decade alone.”

“We are committed to reducing 100% of our agency’s operational greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. We are clearly committed over the long-term to help ensure our transit system contributes to meeting our region’s rigorous clean air goals.”

California Clean Air Day is meant to encourage people to improve community health through their actions. On cleanairday.org, Californians can make pledges ranging from large steps to small steps, like buying local produce, planting a tree, walking, biking or taking public transit or installing solar panels on their home.

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