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Home / Neighborhood / San Gabriel Valley / Monrovia Weekly / Monrovia Crime Blotters: Oct. 22-28

Monrovia Crime Blotters: Oct. 22-28

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At7:37 a.m., a resident in the 600 block of East Lemon called police to reportthat someone had ransacked their vehicle sometime during the night. The vehiclewas parked and had been left unlocked. The resident’s backpack, which containedpersonal documents and some money, was taken. This investigation is continuing.

At9:31 a.m., two customers of a hardware store in the 1600 block of SouthMountain called police to report their vehicles had been broken into while theywere in the store. The suspect forced entry by breaking the door locks, thentook tools from inside both of the vehicles. These investigations arecontinuing.

At5:07 p.m., a caller reported two motorists collided into one another at theintersection of Fano and Alamitas. Officers responded and found one of thedrivers had visible minor injuries, so paramedics responded to assist. After aninvestigation, the driver who caused the collision was issued a citation.


At12:09 a.m., an employee from a business in the 700 block of West Huntingtoncalled police to report a subject screaming and yelling at them and refusing toleave the business. Officers responded and contacted the individual. After abrief discussion and a consensual search, drug paraphernalia was recovered fromthe subject and he was arrested.

At7 p.m., an employee from a business in the 900 block of West Duarte called toreport a suspicious subject loitering in the area. Officers arrived andcontacted the subject. A consensual search of the subject revealed drugparaphernalia in his possession and he was arrested.

At10:17 p.m., deputies from the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department responded to aresidence in South El Monte regarding a domestic violence incident. Theirinvestigation revealed the crime initially occurred in Monrovia near Centraland Magnolia, and when the couple returned home to South El Monte, theycontinued to argue, which generated a call to the El Monte Police Department.Monrovia officers responded to the location and took over the investigation. Itwas determined the female was the aggressor in the incident, and she wasarrested for domestic violence.

At10:25 p.m., a resident in the 400 block of Bella Vista called to report he justsaw a subject checking the door handles on his neighbor’s vehicle. Officersarrived and located the subject still in the area. The subject was positivelyidentified by the reporting party as the person who was checking door handles.This investigation is continuing and will be presented to the District Attorney’sOffice for filing consideration.


At3:01 a.m., an officer responded to a single car traffic collision in the 1900block of South Mountain and conducted an investigation. The driver fell asleepat the wheel, collided into a fire hydrant, and rolled over three times. Shesustained non-life-threatening injuries.

At8:32 a.m., employees at an industrial business in the 1700 block of South Peckarrived to work and discovered one of their company vehicles had been stolensometime during the night. All their vehicles have tracking devices attached,so the vehicle was located by officers parked and unoccupied in the 800 blockof West Chestnut. Officers searched for possible suspects but could not locateanyone. The vehicle was recovered and returned to the business. Thisinvestigation is continuing.

At8:50 a.m., a resident in the 200 block of West Pomona walked outside hisapartment and discovered someone had vandalized his vehicle sometime during thenight. The window and mirror were found shattered. The suspect did not enterthe vehicle. This investigation is continuing.

At1:43 p.m., a gardener doing work in the 200 block of Kruse reported someone hadstolen some of his gardening tools. Officers responded and attempted to locatethe suspects but were unsuccessful. This investigation is continuing.

At6:22 p.m., an employee from a business in the 500 block of West Duarte calledpolice to report a subject was checking vehicle door handles, and he just brokea window on a vehicle. Officers arrived and located a subject matching thedescription given. He was identified by the witness and by security footage asbeing the suspect seen breaking the window. Officers also found stolen propertyin the subject’s possession. He was arrested for vehicle burglary and vehicletampering.


At2:27 a.m., officers were patrolling the 700 block of West Huntington when theysaw a vehicle stopped underneath the freeway overpass. The vehicle was running,and the driver was slumped over the steering wheel. Officers checked on thedriver. She woke up and was displaying signs of being under the influence ofalcohol. A DUI investigation was conducted, and it was determined she had beendriving under the influence. She was arrested, held for a sobering period, andlater released on a citation to appear in court on the charges.


At5:47 p.m., officers responded to a business in the 300 block of West Huntingtonregarding the theft of a purse. The victim left her purse inside her vehicleand went inside the business for a few minutes. When she returned to thevehicle, her purse and cell phone were missing. Just prior to this call, aresident found an empty purse in the intersection of Myrtle and Huntington. Thevictim positively identified the found purse as being the same one that was stolenfrom her vehicle. This investigation is continuing.


At12:24 a.m., an officer on patrol saw a person walking in the middle of thestreet at the intersection of Foothill and Primrose. The officer contacted thesubject to check on his welfare. As the subject was walking to the sidewalk, hepulled a glass smoking pipe from his pocket and smashed it on the ground. Thesubject was found to be in possession of a controlled substance. He wasarrested for possession of a controlled substance and drug paraphernalia.

At1:57 p.m., employees from a business in the 600 block of South Myrtle arrivedat work and discovered someone had gained access to the location. Officersarrived and an investigation revealed the suspect had removed cash from theregister and a bank deposit bag which was located under the counter. Thisinvestigation is continuing.


At8:48 p.m., a caller in the 600 block of East Olive reported his girlfriend hadoverdosed on a prescription medication. Officers arrived and found the subjectunconscious on the floor. Officers administered two doses of Narcan before sheregained consciousness. The subject was then transported to a local hospitalfor treatment.

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