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Home / Neighborhood / San Gabriel Valley / Monrovia Weekly / Monrovia Assesses Bobcat Fire Damage

Monrovia Assesses Bobcat Fire Damage

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Citystaff is coordinating damage assessments for Monrovia Canyon Park, the HillsideWilderness Preserve, and city buildings. Many city facilities suffered smokedamage and the city will be using an industrial hygienist to inspect facilities,IT equipment, HVAC systems, etc. and ensure any damage is repaired.

Inthe wake of the Bobcat Fire, the city has received calls from concernedresidents about injured wildlife. City staff are reportedly working with the Departmentof Fish and Wildlife to develop plans to assist injured animals when needed.Each incident will be assessed independently and on a case by case bases soresidents should provide as much information as possible when making a report.

Toreport an injured animal, residents should call (626) 255-6799. Some thingsthat may be helpful to include:

  • Locationof animal (be specific as possible). If the animal is moving on its own, thatmay hamper the efforts of the Department of Fish and Wildlife.
  • Provideyour observations on the health of the animal.
  • Anydescriptive qualities about the animal and its species.

Thecity’s park naturalist will take the report and follow up with the Departmentof Fish and Wildlife as needed. Residents are encouraged to not approach theanimal or try to contain the animal. If you have any specificquestions related to the Bobcat Fire, send an email to pio@ci.monrovia.ca.us

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