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Home / Neighborhood / San Gabriel Valley / Arcadia Weekly / Arcadia Crime Blotters: Aug. 30 – Sept. 5

Arcadia Crime Blotters: Aug. 30 – Sept. 5

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At8:49 p.m., officers responded to a residence in the 2800 block of Caroline Wayregarding the report of shots fired with one victim shot multiple times. Aninvestigation revealed, the location had been rented for a house party.Responding officers rendered aid to the victim and he was transferred to ahospital where he later died from his injuries. Officers stopped a vehicle seenleaving the scene at a high rate of speed. The driver was found to be inpossession of a loaded handgun. The 23-year-old male from Hemet was arrestedand transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. The investigation isbeing handled by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.


At1:20 p.m., officers responded to the 00 block of North First Avenue regardingthe report of a broken gas line. An investigation revealed that a constructioncrew who was installing fiber optic cables, accidentally drilled into the maingas line. Officers and firefighters evacuated nearby residents and businesses.The gas company responded to resolve the problem. No one was injured during theincident.


At12:32 p.m., an officer responded to CVS Pharmacy, 9952 Las Tunas Drive,regarding a shoplifting report. The suspect was seen filling his pockets withmerchandise before fleeing the scene without paying for the items. A LosAngeles County Sheriff’s Deputy located and detained the suspect. Furtherinvestigation revealed the 23-year-old male from Fontana had two outstandingwarrants for his arrest. He was arrested and transported to the Arcadia CityJail for booking.


At2:46 a.m., officers responded to the intersection of First Avenue and WheelerAvenue regarding a robbery that had just occurred. Officers located the victimlying in the street with visible injuries to his head. An investigationrevealed the victim was walking northbound on First Avenue looking down at hisphone, when he heard several footsteps behind him. An unknown suspect hit himon the head with an unknown weapon and stole his skateboard. The investigationis ongoing.

At7:11 a.m., an officer responded to Santana’s Beauty Box, 160 W. Live Oak Ave.,regarding a domestic dispute involving a couple in a dating relationship. Thedispute turned physical when the male suspect punched the female victim’s face,head and back several times. Further investigation revealed the male suspectwas in possession of several stolen credit cards, driver’s licenses,methamphetamine, heroin, drug paraphernalia, and burglary tools. The44-year-old male from Arcadia was arrested and transported to the Arcadia CityJail for booking.

At11:33 a.m., an officer responded to Eisenhower Park, 601 N. Second Ave.,regarding a domestic disturbance between a male and female. The female reportedthat her boyfriend had taken her keys. An investigation revealed the couple hadbeen arguing in their car when the female scratched and choked her boyfriend.She then kicked his torso and face causing visible injury to his lip. The 21-year-oldfemale from Delaware was arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail forbooking.

At2:59 p.m., officers responded to a residence in the 200 block of Renoak Wayregarding a burglary report. The victim was working inside his residence whenhe heard someone open the door accessing his home from the garage. He steppedout of his office to find the suspect inside of his home. The suspect fled thescene and the victim followed the suspect outside. The suspect then brandisheda handgun and threatened to kill the victim. The suspect entered a white sedanwith an unknown driver and fled the scene. Further investigation revealed thesuspect had gained access to the home by using the garage door opener that waslocated inside the victim’s unlocked car.


At1:10 a.m., officers responded to the 400 block of West Duarte Road regardingshots fired in the area. Witnesses heard several gunshots and saw a group ofmale subjects running away from the scene. Officers located several spentbullet casings on the ground to the front of one residence. Officers conducteda safety sweep of the targeted residence. No victims or suspects were locatedinside. Officers discovered several items in plain sight related to theproduction of counterfeit documents, including blank checks, several credit cardsand driver’s licenses.

At2:50 a.m., officers responded to a residence in the 300 block of FairviewAvenue regarding a subject seen trespassing. The resident saw a male subjectcarrying a handgun in her rear yard. Officers believe this subject may havebeen a suspect who fled the scene of the shooting that had occurred nearby onDuarte Road. The investigation is ongoing.


At6:36 a.m., an officer responded to a parking lot in the 1100 block of FairviewAvenue regarding the report of multiple vehicle burglaries. The windows ofthree separate vehicles had been smashed. One of the vehicles had beenransacked. The investigation is ongoing.

At4:15 p.m., an officer responded to a residence in the 400 block of SouthBaldwin Avenue regarding a burglary report. The victim left her residence theday prior without locking the doors. She returned to find that multiple roomshad been ransacked and her property had been stolen. The investigation isongoing.


At10:32 a.m., officers responded to Embassy Suites, 211 E. Huntington Drive,regarding a burglary that had just occurred. An investigation revealed a guestwas unable to access her room due to the security lock being latched. Anemployee was able to make entry into the room and discovered two unknown malesubjects lying down inside the room. The employee ordered the subjects to leaveand they fled through the window taking the victim’s laptop and other itemswith them. It is believed the suspects forced entry through the window. Theinvestigation is ongoing.

At12:47 p.m., officers responded to HSBC Bank, 1107 S. Baldwin Ave., regarding asuspicious vehicle. Officers located a rental vehicle with dark tinted windowsand contacted the occupants who were smoking marijuana inside. The foursubjects claimed to have only been in California for one week. A consensualsearch led to the discovery of several pieces of stolen mail, stolen debitcards, and several thousands of dollars in cash. The subjects, two 18-year-oldmales, and two 19-year-old males, from Michigan, were arrested and transportedto the Arcadia City Jail for booking.

At11:13 p.m., an officer responded to a residence in the 400 block of CatalpaRoad regarding a stolen vehicle report. The victim stated she last saw her caron Wednesday, Sept. 2. She left her vehicle parked in her driveway, unlocked,with the keys left inside. She discovered it missing early Thursday morning. Nosuspects were seen, and no witnesses were located.

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