At1:20 a.m. officers responded to the area of Del Mar Boulevard and Wilson Avenueregarding an intoxicated female who had been attacked by an unknown malesuspect. During the incident, the victim was dragged several feet. A nearbyresident heard and saw the attack and responded to assist the female. As thiswitness approached the victim, the suspect stopped his attack on the female anddisplayed a knife towards the witness. The witness fled and called police.Detectives are conducting follow-up on this incident and the female victimsustained only minor injuries. She did not want medical treatment.
At7:51 a.m. officers responded to the report of a possible suicidal subject whoapparently intended to jump off of the Colorado Bridge. Upon arrival, Officerssaw the man had scaled the chain link fence and officers feared he may jump.Officers quickly established rapport with the distraught individual and afterapproximately 45 minutes of negotiating, they convinced him to climb back overto safety. The man was subsequently taken to a local facility for treatment.
At1:23 p.m. the Pasadena Police Department received a call of an assault in the3400 block of Foothill Boulevard. The victim had just finished ordering foodfrom a nearby restaurant when the suspect asked for money. The victim explainedto the suspect he did not have any money and the suspect left the locationwhile the victim waited for his food. As the victim left the restaurant, thesuspect approached him and struck the victim over the head with a skateboard.The suspect did not say anything to the victim prior to striking him and fledafter the attack. The victim sustained only minor injuries as a result of theassault. Detectives are continuing their investigation so as to identify thesuspect.
At5:58 p.m. officers responded to assist Pasadena Fire Department Paramedics atBrookside Park regarding the report of a tree that had fallen near thechildren’s museum. The initial call indicated that the tree had fallen onseveral people and they were possibly trapped under the tree. There was a groupof individuals who were playing soccer near the tree at the time it fell. Theycould hear the tree begin to break before it fell and most everyone was able todisperse. One person did sustain minor injuries as a result of the falling treeand no one was trapped, as initially reported.
At9:40 a.m. the Pasadena Police Department received a request from an out ofstate police agency to assist with a child abduction investigation they wereconducting. This incident resulted in the issuance of an Amber Alert as thesuspect/mother had abducted her young child from the legal guardians. The childwas originally removed from the mother’s custody following the suspect’s arrestfor child abuse and information indicated the suspect intended to bring thechild to a relative’s home in Pasadena. Pasadena detectives collaborated withthe out of state police agency the child was located at a residence in the 600block of Los Robles Avenue.
At10:17 p.m. officers responded to a call of a shooting victim in the area ofCalifornia Boulevard and Fair Oaks Avenue. Officers located the victim withmultiple gunshot wounds that did not appear to be life threatening. Officersprovided first aid and Pasadena Fire Department transported the victim to alocal hospital. As the investigation continued, officers learned the victim hadbeen shot while in the City of Altadena. Altadena Sheriff’s Deputies respondedfor the investigation.
At10:42 p.m. officers were on routine patrol when they observed a trafficviolation. Officers conducted a traffic stop in the area of El Sereno Avenueand Washington Boulevard and upon approaching the vehicle, observed a firearmin plain view within the drivers reach. Officers ordered the suspect out of thevehicle and he cooperated. Officers determined the firearm was registered tothe driver but was loaded and was unlawfully being transported. The driver wascited for carrying a loaded firearm in a vehicle and informed him on thelegally approved manner in which to transport a firearm. The driver wasreleased in the field.
At7:01 a.m. officers responded to the 200 block of Pepper Street regarding afamily disturbance with a lot of yelling in the background. When officersarrived, there was a physical altercation occurring between family members.Officers separated the two, however the suspect continued to violently resistthe officers. Additional officers were requested as a lengthy struggle ensuedwith the suspect. Both the suspect and officers sustained injuries during thealtercation and were treated. It was determined the suspect and his father wereinitially involved in a verbal argument which led to an attempted theft of thefamily vehicle. The physical altercation ensued when another family member intervened.
At12:24 a.m. officers responded to the area of Hammond Street and Morton Avenueregarding a large group of people in an apartment complex parking lot. Thecaller advised it appeared several members of the group were about to beginfighting and that multiple people were armed with firearms. As officersapproached the group, one suspect discarded a firearm and ran. Officers wereunable to locate the suspect but recovered the loaded firearm. The group wasdispersed without further incident while officers remained in the area. Twoadditional firearms were recovered from vehicles of those in the group, whowere stopped for vehicle code violations.
At2:52 a.m., as a result of the previous incident regarding the large group,officers conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle in the area of Hammond Streetand Lincoln Avenue. The officers detected a strong odor of marijuana emittingfrom the vehicle and the driver exhibited signs of being under the influence ofmarijuana. As officers asked the driver to exit the vehicle to conduct apossible DUI investigation, the driver told the officers he was on parole andadmitted to having a firearm. The firearm was loaded with a high capacitymagazine. The driver was arrested without incident and the firearm wasrecovered.
At8:11 p.m. officers were called to a restaurant in the 100 block of North SierraMadre Boulevard regarding a man on the patio area who was causing a disturbancefor other customers and restaurant staff. The suspect had left prior to theofficer’s arrival, but he returned a short time later, after he was seenbreaking a vehicle’s windows at a nearby business. Officers made contact withthe suspect, who was armed with a large branch, which he held like a baseballbat. The suspect charged at the officers and after attempts of using their taserand other force weaponry, the suspect continued to resist, breaking policevehicle windows. Eventually officers were able to subdue the suspect and takehim into custody. He was transported to a local hospital for treatment and wasarrested for assault on a police officer.
At10:08 p.m. officers responded to the 70 block of West Hammond Street regardinga group of gang members, one of whom was seen concealing a firearm in somenearby bushes. Officers arrived but were unable to locate either the group orthe firearm. However, a firearm was located on the floorboard of a parkedvehicle in the same parking lot. The firearm’s serial number was visible and arecords search of the serial number confirmed it to be a stolen gun. Since thestolen gun was locked inside the vehicle, the vehicle was impounded so that thegun could be safely recovered by officers.
At2:26 p.m. a victim called the police department reporting a known suspect hadthreatened her with a gun in the 100 block of West Tremont Street. The victimadvised the suspect was an ex-boyfriend and he had broken into her residenceand took her cell phone. She tracked her phone to the location on Tremont Streetand confronted the suspect, at which time the suspect pointed the handgun andmade threats of violence. Shortly after and with the assistance of the policehelicopter, officers located the suspect in the area of Hammond Street andMorton Avenue and he was detained. The subject was searched and officersrecovered a loaded firearm in his possession. He was arrested and transportedto the Pasadena Police jail.
At8:19 a.m. officers responded to the 100 block of North Parkwood Avenueregarding the report of a potential child abuse. A photo had been receiveddepicting a young child who was possibly tied to a bed. During the detective’sinvestigation, it was learned the child was regularly tied to his bed and thefather and stepmother were responsible. Both parents were arrested for childabuse and torture and both explained they tied the child up because they werefrustrated due to multiple behavioral issues the child suffered from. TheDepartment of Children and Family Services assisted and placed the victim andtwo siblings into protective custody.
At4:20 p.m. officers responded to the area of Colorado Boulevard and Big BangTheory Alley regarding a fight between two men. Both men were detained and theinvestigation revealed the victim was having an argument with his girlfriendand had decided to leave before the argument escalated. The victim wasapproached by a male suspect, who struck the victim several times in the faceand body with brass knuckles. It was determined the suspect was a friend of thevictim’s girlfriend. Officers arrived and were able to take the suspect intocustody for assault with a deadly weapon. The victim did not seek treatment forhis injuries.
At8:57 p.m. officers were called to the area of Lake Avenue and Villa Streetafter receiving a call of several gunshots heard in the area and a male wasseen running from the scene. When officers arrived, they checked the area forevidence of a shooting and canvased the area for additional witnesses. A shorttime later, a local hospital reported to the police department that a victimsuffering from at least one gunshot wound, had arrived at the hospital and wasbeing treated for his injuries. The preliminary investigation indicates theshooting is the result of a road rage incident. Detectives are continuing thisinvestigation.
At2:34 a.m. an elderly victim reported to the Pasadena Police Department thatwhile walking home from her place of work in the 1500 block of North Fair OaksAvenue, she was approached by a male. As the two walked past each other, thesuspect approached from behind and grabbed her bag which she had strapped ontoher shoulder. A struggle ensued over the bag and the victim was knocked to theground causing injuries to her shoulder. The suspect fled south on Fair OaksAvenue out of sight. The victim was transported to a local hospital for herinjuries. Officers searched the area but did not locate the suspect.
At10:26 a.m. officers responded to a restaurant in the 1400 block of EastWashington Boulevard regarding an assault between co-workers. The co-workersbecame involved in an argument over a food order, at which time the suspectpunched the victim in the face with his fist, causing a deep laceration underthe victim’s eye. Video at the location confirmed the fight and the suspect wasarrested at the scene for assault with a deadly weapon.
At6:44 p.m. the Pasadena Police Department received a report of an assault thathad occurred at a church located in the 3700 block of Sierra Madre Boulevard.The victim was in a secluded area of the church sleeping, when he was awakenedby the suspect. A verbal altercation ensued between the two and the suspect hitthe victim in the head with a metal chain. The victim fell to the ground andstruck his head on the concrete. The victim was transported to a local hospitalfor his injuries.
At7:52 p.m. Pasadena Police officers conducted a traffic stop in the area ofRaymond Avenue and Grandview Street for a vehicle code violation. The vehiclewas occupied by two adult males. The passenger exited the vehicle armed with ahandgun and a short foot pursuit occurred resulting in an officer involvedshooting. The suspect was struck by gunfire and medical aid was rendered at thescene. The suspect was transported to Huntington Memorial Hospital where helater succumbed to his wounds.
At9:30 p.m., as a result of the officer involved shooting, a large crowd gatheredat a park immediately adjacent to the scene of the shooting. The crowd wasextremely emotional and required the assistance of additional officers tomaintain the integrity of the nearby crime scene. Multiple members of the crowdmade references to assaulting officers and killing officers. One member of thecrowd made statements that he intended to physically assault an officer.Another officer who observed the aggressive behavior directly, deployed hisTaser. Immediately after the taser was used to subdue the threatening suspect,pepper spray was deployed in an attempt to disperse the encroaching crowd.
At11:40 p.m. the night after the officer involve shooting, a large group onceagain gathered at the park adjacent to where the shooting had occurred so as tohold a vigil for the subject that was deceased. The crowd had been occupyingthe park and blocking surrounding streets/intersections throughout the day.After the park was officially closed, numerous calls of fights, shots fired,and multiple victims on the ground, requiring a police response. Officersresponded, systematically dispersing the crowd and clearing the park while manyin the crowd threw bottles and rocks at the officers. One police supervisor wasstruck by a rock and sustained minor injuries. The crowd became more resistantand belligerent, resulting in a declaration of an unlawful assembly. Afternumerous confrontations with officers, the crowd eventually left and went to anearby residential complex.
At11:34 p.m. officers were dispatched to 00 block of North Chester Avenue inregards to a male threatening the victim inside the residence with a gun. Whenofficers arrived, the victim directed them to the location of the suspect. Thesuspect attempted to retreat into a residence, but after several minutes, heexited and was taken into custody. A loaded semi-automatic handgun wasrecovered, which was later determined to have previously been reported stolen.Additionally, evidence of narcotics sales was also seized.
At10:51 a.m. officers responded to the 400 block of Avenue 64 regarding the theftof gardening equipment. The victim was working at his customer’s residence whenhe noticed a white truck parked next to his work vehicle. The occupants of thesuspect vehicle exited and removed the gardening equipment from the victim’svehicle. The victim attempted to prevent the theft, at which time a struggleensued. The victim was pushed to the ground and the robbery suspects fled intheir truck. The victim was not injured during this incident and the suspectswere not located.
At11:19 a.m. officers responded to a business in the 00 block of West Colorado Boulevardin regard to a stolen vehicle. Approximately one hour after the vehicle wasreported stolen, officers received information that the vehicle was located inthe area of Arroyo Parkway and Del Mar Boulevard. Officers found the vehicleand attempted to conduct a traffic stop. The vehicle sped away and a pursuitwas initiated as the vehicle travelled southbound on the 110 Freeway at a highrate of speed. The officers lost sight of the vehicle and terminated thepursuit. Moments later, it was reported that the vehicle had crashed in theCity of Los Angeles and the suspect had fled from the vehicle. During a searchof the recovered vehicle, a loaded firearm was located inside. The suspectremains outstanding.
At6:55 a.m. the Police Department received a call of an assault that occurred inthe 1000 block of South Arroyo Parkway. The victim (who is a security guard atthe location) reported the suspect had approached him, appeared agitated andwas yelling unintelligibly. The suspect then produced a knife and walked towardhim. The victim feared for his safety and deployed pepper spray. The suspectretreated and arriving officers were able to detain the suspect withoutincident. A knife was recovered and the suspect was treated for the exposure tothe pepper spray.
At8:40 p.m. officers attempted to assist a stranded motorist in the 400 block ofSouth Arroyo Parkway. A check of the stranded vehicle’s license plate revealedthe owner had an outstanding arrest warrant. Officers also learned theboyfriend of the registered owner was on active probation for carjacking. Asearch of the vehicle was conducted, and a loaded firearm was discovered. Theofficers also located narcotics and additional ammunition inside of thevehicle.
At4:34 a.m. California Highway Patrol requested Pasadena Police Department’sassistance with a pursuit that terminated on Lake Avenue at Union Street. Thedriver of the vehicle had exited the vehicle and was holding a knife againsthis own throat. Officers attempted to negotiate with the suspect but thesuspect appeared agitated. He stated he was not going to prison and wanted theofficers to use deadly force. A Taser was used to incapacitate the suspect andhe was taken into custody without injury.
At3:12 p.m. officers responded to the report of an attempted robbery nearColorado Boulevard and Pasadena Avenue. The victim was walking on Colorado Boulevardwhen the suspect approached and lunged at her. He yelled and demanded that shehim her property. The victim was in fear and immediately ran west on Colorado Boulevardtowards Pasadena Avenue to her vehicle. She called the police and provided adescription of the suspect. Officers located the suspect on the corner of FairOaks Avenue and Colorado Boulevard a short time later and the victim was notinjured.
At3:21 p.m. an officer responded to the report of a robbery that had occurred ata residence in the 1000 block of Armada Drive. The elderly victim had returnedto his residence after withdrawing a money from his bank. The victim parked inhis garage and exited the vehicle, at which time the suspect was seen walkingdown the driveway. The suspect approached the elderly victim and offered to fixa light at the victim’s house. The suspect then pointed at a flood light andthe victim exited the garage to see the light. The suspect took the opportunityto advance towards the victim, grab an envelope which contained the recentlywithdrawn money and pushed the victim to the ground. The suspect fled in avehicle, which was parked nearby. The victim sustained minor injuries but didnot require immediate medical treatment.
At4:25 p.m. officers responded to the 600 block of Magnolia Avenue regarding thereport of a suspicious man seen on the roof of the residence. Witnessesreported the male did not live at the location and was now inside of theresidence. When the officers arrived, they saw obvious signs of a burglary anda search of the residence was conducted. The suspect was not immediatelylocated, but witnesses advised the suspect had fled and was hiding in anadjacent property. The suspect was located and detained without incident. Losswas recovered from the suspect and returned to the victim.
At11:42 p.m. officers responded to the 600 block of North Chester Avenueregarding a family disturbance involving an adult son who was intoxicated andtrying to enter the home. Responding officers encountered the suspect in therear yard and it was learned he was on active parole. The suspect was hostiletowards officers and refused to cooperate. The suspect armed himself with apitchfork, which he was eventually convinced to place on the ground. Heremained combative, threatening and refusing to comply with officers andeventually charged at them. A taser was used by officers and the suspect wastaken into custody without further incident. The suspect was taken into custodyand booked at the Pasadena City Jail for a parole violation.
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