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Home / Neighborhood / San Gabriel Valley / Arcadia Weekly / Barry Lisbin Named Arcadia Unified Teacher of the Year

Barry Lisbin Named Arcadia Unified Teacher of the Year

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Outof 400 Arcadia Unified teachers, Arcadia High School math teacher Barry Lisbinhas been named the2020-21 Arcadia Unified Teacher of the Year.

Thisfall marks the beginning of Lisbin’s 29th year at Arcadia Unified and he hasdevoted his career to dispelling the notion that some students are not “mathperson.”With creative ways for his students to understand and excel at math,Lisbin brings renewed excitement for his role each year.

Asidefrom his role as an award-winning math teacher, Lisbin is also an inspiringcolleague and friend who “exemplifies our district’s values in all he does,”according to an email for district officials.  

Lisbinis a homegrown Arcadian who once walked the halls of Arcadia High as a student.He is also a he is a second-generation Arcadia Unified teacher — his mother,Lila Lisbin, taught at Arcadia elementary schools for nearly 20 years.

Dueto COVID-19, the district’s surprise announcement looked differently. During avirtual staff meeting July 29, Superintendent Dr. David Vannasdall surprisedLisbin with the announcement that he will represent the district in the LosAngeles County Office of Education Teacher of the Year program.

“Wewanted someone who’s demonstrated for years their commitment to students day inand day out, and that means whatever it takes to serve those students,”Vannasdall said as he announced this year’s teacher of the year.

PrincipalAngela Dillman shared, “Barry is just an awesome teacher but really just anamazing human being. He’s the kind of person you want to be around every dayand he does whatever it takes to serve our students.”

A joyous Lisbin shared, “All I can say is, you know, thank you. I appreciate it. I’m just one of many that do an outstanding job everyday or try to do an outstanding job. So, I’ll accept this honor in place of everybody…that everyday work their hearts out trying to help the students and do everything.”

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