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Home / Neighborhood / San Gabriel Valley / Arcadia Weekly / Arcadia Crime Blotters: June 14-20

Arcadia Crime Blotters: June 14-20

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June 14

At 12:25 a.m., an officer responded to Hilton Garden Inn, locatedat 199 N. Second Ave., regarding a theft from vehicle report. The victim statedhe left his rental vehicle parked and unlocked overnight and he discovered hiswallet and sweatshirt had gone missing. There is no suspect information at thistime.

At 7:32 p.m., an officer responded to aresidence in the 00 block of West Las Flores Avenue regarding a residential burglaryreport. An investigation revealed unknown suspects shattered a glass panel to abackdoor and fled emptyhanded. The reporting party could not account for why thealarm system was inoperable. The investigation is ongoing.

June 15

At 8:29 a.m., an officer responded to Claro’s Italian Market,located at 19 E. Huntington Drive, regarding a vandalism report. A store employeediscovered an unknown suspect threw a rock through a glass door. It didn’t appearas thought the suspect(s) entered the store. The investigation is pending areview of surveillance footage.  

At 8:48 a.m., an officer responded to Premium Escrow, located at150 N. Santa Anita Ave., regarding a commercial burglary report. The officerdetermined sometime between June 12 and June 15, an unknown suspect entered thebusiness through a glass emergency door, ransacked the location, and fled withtwo cellphones. The investigation is pending a review of the business’ surveillancefootage.

June 16

At 7:28 a.m., an officer responded to the 100 block of West Live OakAvenue regarding a stolen vehicle report. The victim discovered his 2000 Honda Civicwas stolen sometime during the previous evening. The vehicle was recovered bythe Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department, Temple Station and an arrest was made.

At 10:53 a.m., an officer responded to Ralphs, located at 211 E.Foothill Blvd., regarding a shoplifting report. A store employee witnessed two suspectssteal 12 bottles of Hennessey liquor before fleeing in a blue Toyota Prius. Suspect1 is described as a male wearing a red Adidas jacket and black pants. Suspect 2is described as having dreadlocks and was seen wearing a gray hooded sweatshirtand gray shorts. The investigation is ongoing.

June 17

At 10:16 a.m., an officer took a telephonic report for an incidentof fraud. The victim, a resident in the 1000 block of Fairview Avenue, receiveda text message from her bank regarding possible suspicious activity. Uponchecking her debit account, the victim discovered four fraudulent transactions,a loss totaling $291. The victim was still in possession of her debit card and doesnot know how the suspect(s) accessed her information. There is no suspect informationat this time.

At 6:40 p.m., an officer responded to Extended Stay America,located at 401 E. Santa Clara St., regarding a stolen vehicle report. Thevictim discovered someone had stolen her car keys from a hotel bench and thevictim noticed her car had been stolen. There is no suspect information at thetime of this report.

June 18

At 9:24 a.m., an officer responded to Chateau Operating, locatedat 119 La Porte St., regarding a vandalism report. The property managerdiscovered someone had shattered a second story window and found a brokenbottle of alcohol near the shattered window. It appears the suspect did notenter the business. There is no suspect information at this time.

June 19

At 12:36 p.m., an officer responded to HomeLiquor, located at 502 E. Live Oak Ave., regarding an attempted burglary investigation.Surveillance footage revealed two suspects cut the padlock to an exterior fenceand attempted to enter the business. The suspects were seen on camera fleeingon foot. Suspect 1 is described as being approximately 6 feet tall, 180 pounds,was wearing a dark hat, dark mask, light hooded sweater, dark pants, darkshoes, and light gloves. Suspect 2 is described as being approximately 5 feet 9inches tall, 180 pounds, was wearing a dark hat, dark mask, light hoodedsweatshirt, dark pants, dark shoes, and light gloves. The investigation isongoing.

At 1:43 p.m., an officer responded to a residence under constructionin the 900 block of Volante Drive. The officer discovered sometime between June16 and June 17, an unknown suspect entered the construction site, stole varioustools, and turned off the breaker panel. There is no suspect information atthis time.

Just before 9:23 a.m., an officer respondedto Jimon Health and Beauty Center, located at 912 S. Baldwin Ave., regarding acommercial burglary report. The officer determined an unknown suspect smashedthe front glass window to both the Jimon Health and Beauty Center as well asthe neighboring business, Nails Spa, located at 910 S. Baldwin Ave. No loss wasreported from Jimon Health and Beauty Center, but miscellaneous pieces of equipmentwere stolen from Nails Spa. Surveillance footage revealed the suspect is awhite male, approximately 45 to 55-years-old, with a mustache, thin build, a buttoned-upshirt, and dark pants. The investigation is ongoing.

June 20

At 11:18 a.m., an officer took a telephonic fraud report for avictim who resides in the 100 block of West Arthur Avenue. The victim statedshe received a phone call from someone to claiming to be with SouthernCalifornia Edison. The suspect then stated the victim had an outstandingbalance of $498.36 and that the amount owed could be paid with a Money Pak VisaCard. The victim complied with the suspect’s instructions and gave the suspectthe card information. When the victim tried to call back to inquire about theconfirmation email, she discovered the phone had been disconnected and the paymentwas fraudulent. There is no suspect information, but the investigation isongoing.

At 12:54 p.m., an officer responded to a residence in the 100block of California Street regarding a fraud report. The victim discovered unknownsuspect(s) had been using her Social Security Number and multiple names toobtain housing. During her investigation, the victim learned her juvenile child’sSocial Security Number had also been compromised and was being used for unauthorizedpurposes. The investigation is ongoing.

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