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Home / Neighborhood / San Gabriel Valley / Arcadia Weekly / Santa Anita Park Receives Approval to Continue Live Racing

Santa Anita Park Receives Approval to Continue Live Racing

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Santa Anita
File photo by Terry Miller / Beacon Media News

Santa AnitaPark has received approval from the Los Angeles County Health Department toresume live racing beginning Friday, May 15 as part of Los Angeles County’srevision of its Safer at Home guidelines. Racing will be conducted withoutspectators and with essential personnel following strict protocols to preventthe spread of COVID-19.

Protocolsinstituted include mandatory face masks and daily health screening includingtemperature checks and mandatory social distancing while on the property,increased sanitation procedures, the creation of a Restricted Zone, housingjockeys, valets and other essential personnel who must have a negative COVID-19test to access, and revised saddling and pre-race protocol to increase physicaldistancing.

“We are verygrateful for the open and continuous communication with both the HealthDepartment and Supervisor Kathryn Barger’s office,” said Aidan Butler, executivedirector of California Racing Operations for The Stronach Group. “SupervisorBarger in particular, understood the importance of live racing to supportthousands of individuals, and that we are able to accomplish it safely underthese protocols.”

Before thepandemic, Santa Anita had begun implementing guidelines to address the numberof horse deaths at the track. Over the weekend, Tailback, a 4-year-old gelding,was put down after a workout Sunday. Tailback was the 13th equinedeath at Santa Anita since late December.  

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