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Home / Neighborhood / San Gabriel Valley / Arcadia Weekly / Arcadia Crime Blotters: March 22–28

Arcadia Crime Blotters: March 22–28

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March 22

Shortlybefore 12:51 a.m., an officer responded to the 900 block of Kingsley Driveregarding a theft from a vehicle report. Sometime between 5 p.m. on Friday,March 20 and 6 p.m. on Saturday, March 21, an unknown suspect entered thevictim’s unlocked vehicle and fled with stolen property. No suspects were seenand no witnesses were located.

March 23

Atapproximately 1:24 a.m., officers responded to the intersection of Baldwin andWorkman avenues regarding a traffic collision. An investigation revealed thedriver, an uninsured minor, was under the influence of an alcoholic beveragewhen she crashed. She then fled with the assistance of a 22-year-old femalefriend from Alhambra. The driver, a 17-year-old female from Canoga Park, andthe friend were arrested and released.

Just after10:17 a.m., an officer responded to a residence in the 800 block of CoronadoDrive regarding a fraud report. The victim discovered the suspect fraudulentlytransferred an undisclosed amount of money out of his account without hispermission. The investigation is ongoing. 

Atapproximately 1:28 p.m., an officer responded to a residence in the 300 blockof Cambridge Road regarding a battery report. The officer determined anargument between landlord and a tenant escalated and the suspect hit thevictim. The suspect, a 44-year-old female from Arcadia, was arrested andreleased.

Around 4:11p.m., an officer responded to CVS, located at 1401 S. Baldwin Ave., regarding atheft report. The suspect stole miscellaneous items and fled in his vehicle.The suspect is described as a Hispanic male in his late 30’s, 5-foot-1-inchtall, and weighing approximately 145 pounds. The investigation is ongoing. 

March 24

Just before11:10 a.m., an officer took a report for a vandalism that occurred in the 400block of East Huntington Drive. The reporting party found several walls of theparking structure were spray painted and numerous light fixtures were damaged.No suspects were seen and no witnesses were located. 

Atapproximately 8:10 p.m., an officer took a report for a vehicle burglary thatoccurred in a parking lot in the 1300 block of South Golden West Avenue. Thevictim discovered an unknown suspect smashed a car window and fled with stolenproperty. No suspects were seen and no witnesses were located.

March 25

Around 11:54a.m., an officer took a report for an attempted burglary that occurred at aresidence in the 1200 block of Oakglen Avenue. The victim discovered unknownsuspects shattered a rear window. The suspects did not enter the home or stealany property. No suspects were seen and no witnesses were located.  

Shortlyafter 11:36 p.m., an officer responded to T-Mobile, located at 1230 S. GoldenWest Ave., regarding a commercial burglary report. Two suspects entered thebusiness through the roof, but they did not steal anything. The investigationis ongoing. 

March 26

Before 11:07a.m., an officer took a report for a vehicle burglary that occurred in the 1100block of South 9th Avenue. The officer determined the suspect entered the trunkof the victim’s vehicle and fled with stolen property. The investigation isongoing. 

Around 12:57p.m., an officer took a fraud report for a victim who lives in the 800 block ofArcadia Avenue. The victim discovered an undisclosed amount had beenfraudulently transferred out of her account. The victim does not know how thesuspect obtained her personal information or the identity of the suspect.  

March 27

At about7:03 a.m., an officer responded to the 400 block of East Santa Clara Streetregarding a stolen vehicle report. Sometime during the previous night, thevictim’s vehicle was stolen. No suspects were seen and no witnesses werelocated.

Just before 1:09p.m., an officer responded to the 200 block of San Antonio Road regarding atheft from a vehicle report. Sometime during the previous night, an unknownsuspect entered the victim’s unlocked vehicle and fled with stolen property. Nosuspects were seen and no witnesses were located.

Shortlyafter 1:11 p.m., officers responded to the 100 block of Wistaria Avenueregarding a package theft report. The victim witnessed the juvenile suspectsteal the package and followed him while giving directions to the respondingofficers. The 16-year-old male, from El Monte, was arrested and released.

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