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Home / Neighborhood / San Gabriel Valley / Monrovia Weekly / Monrovia City Manager Appoints Assistant City Manager, Public Works Director

Monrovia City Manager Appoints Assistant City Manager, Public Works Director

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MonroviaCity Manager Dylan Feik has named Lauren Vasquez as assistant city manager andSean Sullivan as public works director. 

“Afterserving in the interim role since September 2019, I am very pleased to removethe interim titles and make Lauren’s and Sean’s appointments permanent,” Feiksaid. “Throughout the transition of city managers, and even now into the newdecade, both have served in those roles incredibly, faithfully and with a focuson best serving the mission of the city.” 

Asthe assistant city manager, Vasquez now oversees the operations in the CityManager’s Office, which includes managing the Administration Division, HumanResources Division and City Clerk’s Office. For the past 14 years, Vasquez heldvarious roles in different departments in the Monrovia organization, includingthe Redevelopment Agency, Administrative Services Department and City Manager’sOffice. Vasquez earned a master’s degree from the University of La Verne inmanagement and leadership and a bachelor’s degree from California State PolytechnicUniversity, Pomona, in urban and regional planning.

“Ican’t begin to describe what a genuine privilege it has been for me to be apart of the Monrovia team for the past 14 years,” said Vasquez. “I am humbled,excited and grateful for the opportunity to serve our community and ourorganization. In this new role, I look forward to doing my part to support thecity’s mission, to serve the people of Monrovia, and to create a community thatoffers a premier quality of life.”

Asthe public works director, Sullivan now manages the operations, field servicesand utilities divisions. Most notably, Sullivan will continue to lead theMonrovia Renewal Efforts, a $51.7 million improvement program aimed at makingcitywide repairs to water pipelines and facilities, sewer pipelines, streetsand sidewalks. Prior to his interim director role, Sullivan held the positionof public works manager for the City of Monrovia and the City of Rosemead.Sullivan has a master’s degree from California State University, Northridge, inpublic administration and a bachelor’s degree from California State PolytechnicUniversity, Pomona, in business administration.

“Ilook forward to the opportunity to lead the public works team in a greatercapacity, to maintain the City’s infrastructure, and most importantly, toprovide excellent service to our residents and businesses,” Sullivan said.

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