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Home / Neighborhood / San Gabriel Valley / Pasadena Independent / Pasadena Firefighters and Police Officers Endorse Steve Madison for City Council

Pasadena Firefighters and Police Officers Endorse Steve Madison for City Council

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Madison at the annual Pancake Breakfast hosted by the Linda Vista Annandale Association and Fire Station 38 in October. – Courtesy photo / Facebook, @CouncilmemberSteveMadison

Councilmember Steve Madison announced this week that he has received the endorsement of Pasadena Firefighters Local 809 and the Pasadena Police Officers’ Association. “Public safety has always been one of my highest priorities. I’m deeply gratified to have the support of the men and women who work to keep Pasadena safe.” said Madison.

In a statement released with the endorsement Local 809’s President Scott Austin said “Steve understands the key role our Fire Fighters play in keeping the residents of Pasadena safe. He has worked tirelessly to ensure that Pasadena maintains excellent fire, paramedic and emergency services. On behalf of the men and women who are proud to be on the front lines of public safety every day, we ask you to join us in supporting Steve Madison for City Council.”

Pasadena Police Officers’ Association President Roger Roldan said “Steve is committed to public safety and recognizes the importance of community policing. He has worked hard to build a strong relationship between residents and the police department and particularly the individual officers who patrol our streets. We ask the citizens of Pasadena to join us in supporting Steve Madison for City Council.”

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