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Home / Neighborhood / San Gabriel Valley / Arcadia Weekly / San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership Announces Mid-Year Change of Board Chairman

San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership Announces Mid-Year Change of Board Chairman

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The San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership announced Monday a mid-year change of Executive Board Chairman for the 2014-2015 year. Richard Roche, AT&T Director of External Affairs stepped down as Chairman as of September 15, a role that is assumed by David Reyno, Foothill Transit Director of Government Affairs, and former Vice-Chair of the SGVEP Executive Board.

Richard Roche, who was elected as Chairman on July 1, 2014, announced at the San Gabriel Valley Awards Gala on September 6 that he accepted an AT&T position in Portland, Oregon, “Believe it or not, I’ve been Chairman for almost two, three weeks now,” Roche quipped from the podium, “I’ve set a record for longevity here!”

The Chairman role is assumed by David Reyno, who has served on the Partnership for past three years, and served one year as Membership Committee Co-Chair.

David is an active member of the community and serves or has served on a number of organization boards including the San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership, San Gabriel Valley Public Affairs Network, Mt. San Antonio College Foundation, West Covina Chamber of Commerce, Young Professionals Against Cancer and Insuring the Children. He also represents Foothill Transit on a number of transportation related organization legislative committees including the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) and the California Transit Association (CTA).

With the change of Chairman, the updated San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership 2014-2015 Executive Board is as follows: Treasurer Rene Martinez, Vice President Senior Relationship Manager of City National Bank; Secretary Carlos Illingworth, Director of Public Affairs & Government Relations for Vons Company, Inc.; City Manager Representative Paul Talbot, City Manager of Monterey Park; and Immediate Past Chair Bart Doyle, Attorney at Law.

About the San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership
The San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership is a regional, not-for-profit corporation supported and directed by its members and committed to the continued successful economic development of the San Gabriel Valley. A collaboration of businesses, local government, higher education institutions, and non-profits, the Partnership pursues this commitment by fostering the success of business, engaging in public policy, marketing the San Gabriel Valley and connecting people, companies, and organizations in the San Gabriel Valley. For more information, contact the San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership at (626) 856-3400 or visit its web site at www.valleyconnect.com.

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