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Home / Neighborhood / San Gabriel Valley / Pasadena Independent / Vet Hunters Project Revs Ups Efforts to End Homelessness Sunday August 17 on Skid Row

Vet Hunters Project Revs Ups Efforts to End Homelessness Sunday August 17 on Skid Row

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Photo by Terry Miller

Photo by Terry Miller

Vet Hunters Project Revs Ups Efforts to End Homelessness Sunday August 17 on Skid Row

The Vet Hunters Project is once again on the front line of battling homelessness, this time on Los Angeles’ infamous Skid Row, as more than 100 participants, on motorcycles, in numerous support vehicles, and on foot, will join forces on SundayAugust 17, 2014 for the inaugural “Operation Restore Hope.”
The mission, according to The Vet Hunters, is “to help feed our homeless brothers and sisters on Los Angeles Skid Row while searching for our homeless heroes.” The Vet Hunters’ unwavering motivation is “They served us, now let’s serve them.” Key representatives will be on-site, including male and female veterans, to consult with homeless veterans.
Extending their reach to include all the homeless people on Skid Row, not only veterans, “Operation Restore Hope” will ride to raise awareness and help end homelessness for everyone, delivering food, water, clothing, hygiene kits and more to those in need.
Kick Stands Up at 11:00am at the designated rally point located at 10137 Overest Avenue in Whittier 90605. From there, the troops will travel to Skid Row where they are expected to arrive by 12:00pm noon.
People with motorcycles wanting to participate may register for this free ride by contacting either Alex at (323) 394-4052 or William at (323) 943-8053. Those who do not have motorcycles or do not know someone who has one are welcome to attend this event as well.
Attendees are also encouraged to bring donations such as water, clothing (socks and underwear), Hygiene Kits, Sandwiches and Chips and non-perishable snacks including power bars, fruit bars and beef jerky. Monetary donations are also greatly appreciated to cover homeless veteran’s needs. 100% of monies donated to The Vet Hunters Project are used directly to help the homeless veterans.

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