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Home / Neighborhood / San Gabriel Valley / Pasadena Independent / PUSD appoints Julianne Reynoso executive director of elementary schools

PUSD appoints Julianne Reynoso executive director of elementary schools

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The Pasadena Unified School District announced on Friday that Don Benito Fundamental Elementary School Principal Julianne Reynoso has been named executive director of the district’s elementary schools.
She replaces Kathy Onoye, who retires July 31st after 43 years as an educator, administrator and teacher.
“Ms. Reynoso takes a position that is critical to the continued success of our elementary schools,” said Deputy Superintendent Brian MacDonald. “I am pleased to have her as part of our executive team that is working to achieve academic excellence for all students.”
As executive director of district elementary schools, Reynoso will be responsible for managing the district’s elementary instruction, curriculum and professional development.
Reynoso served as principal of Don Benito twice: in the 2004-2005 academic year and again since 2009. In between, she coordinated the district’s acclaimed Pasadena Math Pipeline, a professional development program for district math teachers.
Reynoso first joined the district in 1994 as a teacher at Cleveland Elementary and later moved to both Hamilton Elementary and Franklin Elementary. Reynoso has a bachelor’s degree from San Diego State University, a master’s degree from Pacific Oaks College and an administrative credential from Azusa Pacific University.
“I look forward to continuing positive relationships with school administrators, teachers, staff, district leaders and the community to improve teaching and student outcomes and to ensure that the common core and 21st century learning initiatives are implemented effectively at all schools,” Reynoso said.
Onoye has served as the district’s elementary executive director since 2008. Over the course of her four-decade career as an educator, Onoye spearheaded educational programs that have proven that every child–regardless of their socio-economic status–can learn and achieve at high levels.
She was responsible for initiating what has become some of the district’s most vaunted programs: the dual language immersion programs in Spanish and Mandarin Chinese, early education programs, and the International Baccalaureate Programme.
“On behalf of the district, I am grateful to Dr. Onoye for her service and her championship of PUSD students,” PUSD Superintendent Jon Gundry said. “While I wish her wish her a well-deserved retirement, we will miss her expertise, knowledge and unflagging support for the students, teachers and staff of this district.”
The search for a new Don Benito principal will begin immediately. Former Jefferson Elementary School Principal Jill Girod will serve as interim principal until the position is filled.
(Shel Segal can be reached at ssegal@beaconmedianews.com. He can be followed via Twitter @segallanded.)

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