fbpx 21 QUESTIONS: LISSIE - Hey SoCal. Change is our intention.
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Home / Archive / 21 QUESTIONS: LISSIE


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Lissie is the epitome of a rockstar, in the sense that she breaks the rules, and doesn’t seem to give a fuck about playing the fame game. She’s been compared to Stevie Nicks, but fiercer (yeah, we didn’t think it was possible either, but have been proven wrong). Her take on the sounds of the 70s and 80s is done just right–it’s seductive, sultry, and even a little mean. Her latest album, Back to Forever, has yet to disappoint.
We catch up with Lissie as she takes some time out of touring to answer a few (or 21) of our questions.

So, what’s up?
Hanging out in Denver about to play at twist and shout record store before our gig tonight.

Can we get you something to drink?

Favorite thing to look at?
Pretty nature bliss

Do anything last night?
Yes drinks and bowling with old friends!

Meals or snacks?

Tom Petty or Bruce Springsteen?

If life could resemble any film…any film score?

Your biggest fan?
My family or this nice guy Ryan who gets me tattooed on him

Listening to anything right now?
Yes but I don’t know what it is

Who would you commission to take/paint/draw your portrait?
William Eggleston to photograph

When was the last time you really froke out at someone?

What was the first thing you said aloud this morning?
My vocal exercises which are like bubbling my lips while singing scales

Last 3 google searches?
Bahn me sandwich restaurant
The Crocodile in Seattle
Pretty Lights


East or west coast? Biggie or Tupac?
West – Tupac

What’s the most embarrassing song that you know all the words to?
Friday by Rebecca black

Favorite book?
The Clan of the Cave Bear

If we gave you $50, what would you buy?
Food and red wine

Cats or dogs? Why?
Dogs, I’m allergic to cats

If you woke up as the opposite sex, what’s the first thing you would do?
Check out my peen

What are you doing later?
Playing at the Gothic Theatre in Denver then driving to Salt Lake City

Can we come?

Get tickets to see Lissie at The Fonda, Monday (12/9) here

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