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Home / Neighborhood / San Gabriel Valley / Arcadia Weekly / Lifeline For Pets Cat of the Week: Meet “CARROT,” our one-eyed wonder!

Lifeline For Pets Cat of the Week: Meet “CARROT,” our one-eyed wonder!

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Male Orange Tabby Born 9/2010

Well, okay, so he has a funny name and only one eye, but it’s NO problem–CARROT copes very well, and is all the more loving and snuggly for it! He’s sensitive, sweet, and gentle. Don’t overlook him just because of his eye. CARROT is only about 3 years old–past the crazy kitten stage but still young in cat years! He’s been waiting a long time for a real home, but keeps getting passed up. He is healthy, neutered, and needs no meds. He gets along well with other cats and people. CARROT will like to stay close to you even at bedtime, as he seems to need that security. We hope that being seen in the Beacon News papers will bring lots of calls to adopt this handsome, special boy.
Call Shazi at 626-676-9505 or Kathy at 626-797-1753 for an adoption application or more information on this cat or any other cat on our website. See us in person most Sundays at Petsmart, 3347 E. Foothill Blvd. in Pasadena, 12:30-3:30 p.m.
Lifeline For Pets is a no-kill rescue organization operated solely by volunteers.
Lifeline For Pets website: www.lifelineforpets.org Click on “Cat Pad” & scroll down to find this cat.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/lifelineforpets.pasadena Please “Like” us and “Share” to your animal-loving contacts.
Donation information is on our website.

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