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Home / Neighborhood / San Gabriel Valley / Pasadena Independent / Sierra Madre Parents Hoping Middle School Project Finally Gets Underway

Sierra Madre Parents Hoping Middle School Project Finally Gets Underway

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Parents Plan to attend June 11 Meeting En Masse
Tuesday, the Facilities Sub-Committee of PUSD met and heard the bids for the Sierra Madre Middle School project. Despite Frazer Thompson’s promise that he would get a bid in the $26M to $27M range, only one bid came in in that range. The lowest bid came in at $27.888M and was brought to the FSC for approval.

At the meeting yesterday, new Board Member Tyrone Hampton did not approve the bid. Tom Selinske did approve it. It is the understanding of the concerned Sierra Madre parents that currently the committee has only two members. So this will go to the Board without full support of the FSC. They need Board support of 4 Board Members or this project will be dead again.
The next meeting is:

Board Meeting – June 11th, 4:30pm
Board Room at 351 S. Hudson
Pasadena, CA
The biggest and most important decision for the Sierra Madre construction project – GETTING BOARD APPROVAL for the $27.888M bid so that construction can begin – will be happening right after school gets out. Parents are saying “Because this has happened multiple times to SMMS, this timing is no accident. The District is hoping to minimize parent involvement by strategically placing the vote at times when school is not in session. WE MUST STAY COMMITTED TO GETTING THIS PASSED!”

The latest update from the Organize Sierra Madre Schools Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/OrganizeSierraMadreSchools):

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