fbpx Gold Line Alignment Project Moving Along - Hey SoCal. Change is our intention.
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Home / Neighborhood / San Gabriel Valley / Arcadia Weekly / Gold Line Alignment Project Moving Along

Gold Line Alignment Project Moving Along

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The Construction Authority’s contractor, Foothill Transit Constructors (FTC) has spent the last several weeks preparing to remove the abandoned rail bridge over Colorado Boulevard, in Arcadia. The bridge is being removed because it could not accommodate the two-track light rail system, and the Authority determined that it was more efficient and cost effective to remove the structure than to widen it or add a second structure directly adjacent to the old one.

The bridge demolition was the first significant construction effort for FTC and the Alignment project. It took several weeks to first remove the track, ties, ballast, and hazardous materials (lead paint and contaminated soil); before the superstructure could be cut and removed.
Community Open Houses
The Construction Authority will be hosting three community open houses over the next two weeks to update the community on the overall construction schedule, plans for each future station, and to provide an opportunity for the community to meet the station artists for each station. Construction Authority and FTC staff will be available to answer questions about construction and how it might impact you.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012 – Azusa
Memorial Park (North) Gymnasium
320 N. Orange Place, Azusa, CA 91702
5:30-7:30 p.m. (no formal presentation planned, arrive any time)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012 – Arcadia
Arcadia Public Library (Cay Mortenson Auditorium)
20 W. Duarte Road, Arcadia, CA 91006
5:30-7:30 p.m. (no formal presentation planned, arrive anytime)

Thursday, June 28, 2012 – Duarte
Duarte Community Center
1600 Huntington Drive, Duarte, CA 91010
5:30-7:30 p.m. (no formal presentation planned, arrive anytime)

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