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Home / Neighborhood / San Gabriel Valley / Monrovia Weekly / MAFA Holds Arts Celebration at Restaurant Devon

MAFA Holds Arts Celebration at Restaurant Devon

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By Susan Motander
Monrovia Association for Fine Arts is holding its annual awards reception at Restaurant Devon. The event , which is being called Acknowledge the Arts, will be March 24 from 7 to 10 p.m. and will feature appetizers, a silent auction and liquid libations.
At the event, Donna Baker will be honored with MAFA’s Renaissance Award for her support of the Arts in Monrovia. In addition, Betsy Matz will be acknowledged with the Hearts in the Arts Award, and Solana Feldhouse and Theresa Lipps as Student Artists of the Year.
Restaurant Devon is a work of Art itself, and therefore a fitting location for the event. Devon, 109 E. Lemon, is located in one of Old Town Monrovia’s oldest buildings. The original business structure on that location was located just west of what is now Devon. It was built in 1886 and housed Barnes General Store according to Monrovia Historian Steve Baker. “In 1906 or 7 a singe story structure was added along Lemon Avenue and this housed ‘Fashion Stables’ which was owned by John Baxter,” Baker added.
The second story was added in 1912 and was used as a rooming house. Baker said that is was approximately 1915 that the stables were converted to retail shops. Restaurant Devon was opened in part of those retail shops in 1996 by Richard Lukasiewicz and his son Gregory. They named the quiet, gentile restaurant after Gregory’s then eight-month-old daughter. Devon and her namesake restaurant are both sixteen.
Join MAFA and celebrate the arts in this lovely old building. Tickets for the Music, Appetizers and Libations event are $35 in advance ($50 at the door) and are available on line at www.monroviafinearts.org or at Paint-N-Play Studio on Myrtle Avenue. For additional information, call (626) 256-4848.

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