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Home / Neighborhood / San Gabriel Valley / Arcadia Weekly / AUSD Announces Key Administration Changes

AUSD Announces Key Administration Changes

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Arcadia High Principal Vannasdall to be appointed Deputy Superintendent

Joel Shawn, Superintendent of Arcadia Unified School District sent out the following email to staff last week announcing significant changes in the district.

“Effective March 1, 2012, David Vannasdall will be appointed as the Deputy Superintendent to fill the vacancy created when Rob Leri leaves us to become the Superintendent of the Tahoe Truckee School District. David will continue to function as the Principal of Arcadia High and no interim will be appointed for the remainder of the school-year. We will advertise for a high school principal for Arcadia High beginning March 1st. We will recruit for this position for about five or six weeks, take another two or three weeks to screen, interview, and do reference check, etc. The goal is to select the new AHS principal by the first of May. We will engage in a robust, comprehensive, and inclusive process to select the best individual for this critically important position. The job will begin July 1, 2012.

As you also may know, we have had a vacant Director of Facilities, Operations, Transportation, and Maintenance position for over a year. Additionally, on January 10th, Debra Amos retired from her position as Director of Food Services. Christina Aragon has been supervising these departments. We can no longer provide the needed support and supervision to the programs and staff of the Food Services, Transportation and Operations (our custodial department) departments without additional supervision staff. Therefore, effective Tuesday, January 17, 2012, Brook Reynolds, will be assigned as the Interim Director of Food Services, Operations, and Transportation. Danae Popovich, TOSA, will fill-in for Brook, and serve as Interim Principal of Camino Grove These assignments will be in place until June 30, 2012. At that time we will reassess the structure and supervision of these and the Maintenance departments.

The above represents a great deal of change. I feel very fortunate that we have the talent among our current staff to fill these positions and provide the leadership and support needed and expected by our community and staff.”

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