During the past fourteen days , the Police Department handled 527 service events, resulting in 116 investigations. Following are the last week’s highlighted issues and events:
Vehicle Burglary
On February 4 at 8:13 p.m., a resident in the 100 block of El Nido reported that someone had broken into their vehicle. They had parked the vehicle and went inside the residence. When they returned to their vehicle, they discovered the driver’s window had been smashed. The loss is undetermined and the investigation is continuing.
Grand Theft – Motorcycle
On February 5 at 2:05 a.m., a resident in the 800 block of West Walnut reported his motorcycle had been stolen. He had parked it in his driveway in the early evening. The victim exited his residence at 2 a.m. and discovered his motorcycle was missing. The bike had no alarm or lock and he accounted for all of the keys. The investigation is continuing.
Vehicle Burglary
On February 5 at 6:12 a.m., the victim of a vehicle burglary called to report his truck broken into during the night. The victim parked his vehicle in the evening, and when he returned to it in the morning, he discovered his car stereo missing. The investigation is continuing.
Hit and Run Traffic Collision – Damage to City Property
On February 5 at 8:04 a.m., the City Public Works Department reported a hit and run collision with damage done to City property. An unknown suspect apparently collided with a fence on the west side of the City Well Field lot off of Peck road. The collision resulted in approximately $15,000 damage to City fencing and to a small utility trailer. It appears the suspect intentionally rammed the fence in order to get out. Investigation continuing.
Grand Theft Auto
On February 5 at 12:50 a.m., a subject called to report her tractor truck stolen. The victim had parked her tractor at a business in the 1600 block of South Mountain on February 1. She was later admitted to a hospital and did not see her vehicle for several days. She returned to the parking lot on February 6 at 1230 a.m. and discovered the tractor missing. Investigation continuing.
Possession of Marijuana – Suspects Arrested
On February 5 at 1:06 p.m., Monrovia High School staff located a group of students who had left gym class together and returned smelling strongly of marijuana. Seven students received citations from officers regarding possession of marijuana and other smoking paraphernalia. All were cited and released.
Driving Under the Influence – Suspect Arrested
On February 6 at 1:57 a.m., an officer stopped a vehicle for a violation and spoke with the driver. During the investigation, the driver displayed symptoms of being under the influence. He was arrested and taken into custody.
Drug Activity – Suspects Arrested
On February 6 at 2:20 a.m., an officer stopped a vehicle for a traffic violation. During the investigation, it was determined that the three occupants each had warrants. Further investigation revealed three plastic baggies containing cocaine near where each of the occupants had been sitting. The subjects were arrested and brought to the station for booking.
Driving Under the Influence Traffic Collision – Suspect Arrested
On February 6 at 3:45 a.m., dispatch received a call from El Monte Police Department reporting a traffic collision in the 3300 block of South Peck Road. Officers responded to the area and discovered two vehicles with collision damage. During the investigation, the officers determined that a driver was heading south on Peck Road and collided into a parked motor home. The driver displayed symptoms of being under the influence of alcohol and was arrested.
Burglary – One Suspect Arrested
On February 6 at 4:29 p.m., officers responded to a business in the 300 block of West Huntington regarding a burglary. Two male suspects entered a business and grabbed a large quantity of prepaid gift cards. Loss Prevention followed them outside and called for police. An officer arrived and detained one suspect who had fled east on Huntington. The second suspect was not located. The subject that was apprehended was arrested and charged with burglary and conspiracy to commit burglary.
Grand Theft
On February 8, an officer responded to the 200 block of East Lemon on a theft report. When he arrived, the victim reported that the GPS and a spare tire jack had been stolen from his vehicle overnight. The victim believes his wife left the vehicle unlocked. Investigation continuing.
Grand Theft Auto
On February 9 at 9:15 p.m., a female subject had her purse stolen from a locker at a gym in the 700 block of East Huntington. The suspect then used the keys from the purse to steal the victim’s car, a 2002 Acura. Investigation continuing.
Grand Theft Auto
On February 10 at 6:13 a.m., an officer responded to the 100 block of East Pomona on the report of a stolen vehicle. The victim reported his 1998 Toyota truck was stolen. The truck was parked on the street in front of the location. Investigation continuing.
Vehicle Burglary / Grand Theft
On February 10 at 8:55 a.m., an officer was dispatched to a residence in the 200 block of West Walnut. On his arrival, the victim reported that someone had broken into her vehicle. The front passenger window had been broken and the GPS taken. Investigation continuing.
Vehicle Burglary
On February 10 at 9:11 a.m., an officer met the reporting party in the police station lobby. The victim reported that his car had been broken into while he worked out at a gym in the 700 block of East Huntington. Investigation continuing.
Commercial Burglary – Suspect Arrested
On February 10 at 1:25 p.m., officers responded to a business in the 1600 block of South Mountain. The stores loss prevention officers had detained a male subject who had placed copper pipes inside larger PVC pipes and then pushed the items out of the store without paying for them. He was arrested and brought to the station for booking.
During the last seven day period, the Police Department handled 559 service events, resulting in 121 investigations. Following are the last week’s highlighted issues and events:
Assault with a Deadly Weapon / Criminal Threats
On February 11 at 10:13 p.m., officers were dispatched to the 1800 block of California regarding an assault. When officers arrived, they discovered the suspect and victim are bothers who were involved in an argument. The argument escalated when the suspect pushed the victim and produced a sharp object, either a knife or nail clippers. The suspect tried to stab the victim but was pushed away by a family member, preventing injury to the victim. The suspect fled prior to officers arriving. An area search was conducted with negative results. The investigation is continuing.
Warrant Arrest / Fraud / Suspects Arrested
On February 12 at 12:42 a.m., an officer observed a vehicle in the area of Duarte and Myrtle occupied with two male gang members and a female driver. A check on the vehicle license plate revealed a warrant for a female. A traffic stop was made on the vehicle, which revealed the warrant was for the driver. She was arrested. A check on the passengers revealed they were gang members from Azusa. One of them was recently paroled and the other had a warrant and was arrested. He was later release on a citation. The female subject was found to be in possession of a fraudulent social security card. She was held for bail and the investigation is continuing.
Domestic Violence / Suspect Arrested
On February 12 at 12:42 a.m., police received a 911 call of a male striking a female and trying to force her into a vehicle. When officers arrived, they observed the vehicle leaving the area. They stopped the vehicle and, as a result of the investigation, the male subject was arrested for domestic violence. The female was transported by ambulance to a hospital for her injuries. The investigation is continuing.
Assault with a Deadly Weapon / Suspect Arrested
On February 12 at 4:01 a.m., a female caller reported her mother had been stabbed by the mother’s boyfriend. The caller was able to provide information on the suspect’s vehicle as the suspect was leaving the area. An arriving officer observed the vehicle and attempted to stop it, but the driver fled. A pursuit ensued through Monrovia and ended in El Monte. The driver abandoned his vehicle one block from his home. A perimeter was established to contain the suspect that prevented him from getting into his home. Officers established communication with the suspect on his cell phone and he eventually surrendered to officers. The victim sustained multiple lacerations to the front and back of her neck and hands. She was transported to a hospital and treated for her injuries. She is expected to survive. The investigation is continuing.
Suicidal Subject / Mental Evaluation
On February 13 at 12:09 p.m., a caller stated that a suicidal male subject had taken a large quantity of pills and was driving a red Ford Mustang in the area of Myrtle and Huntington. Officers responded and eventually located the subject in the county wash area. He was throwing things and acting irrationally. Officers detained him and requested paramedics. He was transported to a hospital for emergency treatment and held for mental evaluation.
Suicidal Subject / Mental Evaluation
On February 14 at 12:40 p.m., an officer responded to the 100 block of North Encinitas regarding a female who was threatening to commit suicide. She left the location in a vehicle with her two children, ages one and five, prior to officers arriving. Officers checked the area, but were unable to locate the subject. She eventually returned to the residence with the children. She was transported to a hospital and placed on a 72-hour hold for mental evaluation. The children were unharmed and were left in their grandmother’s care.
Grand Theft Auto Recovery – Suspect Arrested
On February 14 at 12:48 p.m., officers responded to a residence in the 200 block of Jasmine regarding a petty theft from a vehicle. During the investigation, the officer ran a check on the vehicle and it returned as a reported stolen vehicle out of Arizona. The reporting party told the officer he had purchased the car, but he had no paperwork to show he owned the vehicle or was making payments. The officer verified the vehicle was stolen through Arizona authorities and spoke to the owner of the vehicle, who stated she did not know the suspect. He was arrested for Grand Theft Auto.
Burglary / Suspect Arrested
On February 15 at 3:10 a.m., a resident in the 400 block of South Canyon called 911 as a suspect was trying to open her front door. She could see something being wedged in the door jamb and the door knob was turned. Officers arrived and found the male suspect still at the front door. The suspect and the victim had a dating relationship, but broke up more than two years ago. It was Valentines Day and the suspect said he wanted to see the victim. The victim desires prosecution.
Grand Theft Auto
On February 16 at 6:37 a.m., an officer responded to the 500 block of Fano regarding a stolen vehicle report. The victim reported that she parked her truck in her assigned apartment carport and secured it. She returned to her carport this morning and her truck was missing. There was no broken glass on the ground where the truck was parked and she had accounted for all of the keys. Investigation continuing.
Under the Influence / Suspect Arrested
On February 16 at 7:14 a.m., officers responded to Myrtle and Atara regarding a male subject sitting in a chair who appeared to be under the influence. When officers contacted the subject he was uncooperative and displayed bizarre behavior. The subject suddenly stood up and took an aggressive stance. Officers determined the subject to be under the influence of drugs. They tried to verbally to control the subject, to no avail. The officers believed the subject was going to charge, so one of the officers activated his taser, with no effect on the subject. Officers took hold of the subject and were eventually able to get him under control. Paramedics were requested and the subject was taken to a hospital for booking clearance. He was then brought to the station for booking and detoxification. The subject is a known gang member and he was served with the gang injunction while in custody.
Vehicle Burglary
On February 16 at 8:30 a.m., an officer went to the 100 block of Highland regarding a vehicle burglary report. The victim had parked his vehicle the evening before. He returned to it in the morning and found a passenger window had been broken. He checked his car and found the GPS system was stolen. Investigation continuing.
Vehicle Burglary
On February 16 at 8:31 a.m., an officer was dispatched to the 100 block of El Nido regarding a vehicle burglary. The victim parked his vehicle on the street in front of his residence in the evening and secured it. The next morning his neighbor knocked on his door and told him a window on his vehicle was shattered. He went out to his vehicle and found that his GPS system was missing. It appears the suspect broke the window and grabbed the GPS. The victim stated this is the second time in four months this has happened to his vehicle. Investigation continuing
Vehicle Burglary
On February 16, an officer was dispatched to a parking lot in the 100 block of West Duarte regarding a vehicle burglary. The victim parked her vehicle in the lot and left her purse in the car. When she returned to the vehicle, she saw a window had been broken and her purse was stolen. Investigation continuing.
On February 17 at 1:48 p.m., a caller reported that a male subject was jumped by three male suspects. Officers responded to the area and located the victim, but the suspects had fled the area in a silver Honda. The victim, a student, reported that as he walked near a freeway underpass, the suspect vehicle drove by him and the front passenger asked him where he was from. The vehicle then made a u-turn and stopped next to the student. The front passenger exited the vehicle and began to fight with the student. As they were fighting, the rear passenger also exited the vehicle, grabbed the student, threw him to the ground and yelled the name of a local gang. The two male passengers then returned to the vehicle and the suspects fled the area. The victim sustained minor injuries. Investigation continuing.
Search Warrants – Convicted Felon with a Firearm / Suspects Arrested
On February 18 at 3 a.m., the Monrovia Police Department Detective Bureau served search warrants on two locations regarding a convicted felon in possession of firearms. The Foothills Special Enforcement Team was called in to assist with one location and the Detective Bureau, Special Enforcement Team and Community Policing officers served the warrant at the second location. A search of the locations resulted in finding seven firearms, including a handgun, several rifles, a shotgun, ammunition, pellet guns, knives, illegal fireworks and evidence of recent crimes. The primary suspect and his girlfriend were arrested and booked for felony
Sierra Madre
During the week of Sunday, February 14th, to Saturday February 20th, the Sierra Madre Police Department responded to approximately 241 calls for service.
Feb 16
6:19 am – Vandalism, 300 to 600 block of West Sierra Madre Blvd. Three vehicles were damaged with a black marking pen between 2/11/2010, and 2/16/2010. Male genitalia were drawn on the hoods of two of the vehicles and on the left passenger door of the other.
9:37 am – Vandalism, Bank of America, 350 West Sierra Madre Blvd. The crime occurred between 2:00 pm Saturday, 2/13/2010 and 9:15 am Sunday, 2/14/2010. A glue was applied to the keyboard of an automated teller machine.
8:00 pm – Vandalism, 200 block West Montecito Ave. The passenger sliding window of a parked van was marked with offensive words.
Feb 17:
7:16 pm – Felony arrest, Possession of Drugs for Sale – 200 block West Sierra Madre Blvd. An officer stopped a motorist for a traffic violation. Further investigation revealed the driver was intoxicated, driving on a suspended driver’s license, and in possession of drugs for sale/furnishing. The driver was arrested at the scene and taken to the Pasadena Police Jail for booking.
For the period of Sunday, February 7, through Saturday, February 13, the Police Department responded to 976 calls for service of which 125 required formal investigations. The following is a summary report of the major incidents handled by the Department during this period.
Sunday, February 7:
1.Units responded to the 00 block of East Live Oak around 2:08 p.m. regarding a woman who was physically abused during an argument by her live-in boyfriend. She indicated that while she was driving, her boyfriend pulled her hair, squeezed her arm, and struck her on the side of her forehead multiple times with a closed fist. He threatened to kill her and her children and then exited the car with two of her purses. Upon exiting the car, he kicked a window, causing it to break. She sustained a large bump to her head, red marks on her cheek, and bruises on her arm. Around 8:59 p.m., officers went to her residence in the 900 block of Arcadia and found the 27-year-old Caucasian suspect outside the location. He was taken into custody for inflicting corporal injury to co-habitant, making terrorist threats, robbery, and vandalism. An emergency protection order was obtained and served.
2.Shortly after 11:30 p.m., officers were dispatched to the Westfield Mall parking lot, near the Cheesecake Factory, regarding a fight in progress. Investigation revealed that a group of male Asians fought with two male Hispanics. During the physical altercation, a male Asian suspect slashed a victim in the face and chest area with a knife. Two suspect vehicles were located leaving the scene and were stopped. Three male Asians, ages, 19, 20, and 28, were arrested for assault with a deadly weapon after being positively identified by independent witnesses as participants in the fight. The victim was transported to a hospital for medical treatment.
Monday, February 8:
3.An auto burglary occurred between 8:30 p.m. on February 7 and 4:00 a.m. on February 8 in the 1100 block of Sunset. Unknown suspect(s) smashed a car window and stole a laptop computer, GPS unit, and wallet.
4.Between 3:30 p.m. on February 7 and 10:31 a.m. on February 8, a 1993 gold Acura was stolen from the 600 block of Fairview.
Tuesday, February 9:
5.A residential burglary occurred in the 1800 block of Third between 11:30 a.m. and 12:45 p.m. Unknown suspect(s) entered the home by prying open a rear sliding glass door. Once inside, the suspect(s) ransacked rooms and stole cash, watches, and credit cards.
6.Shortly after 9:00 p.m., units were dispatched to the 1100 block of Arcadia regarding a battery incident. During an argument, a male victim was struck in the face by his live-in transsexual boyfriend. A 22-year-old male African-American was arrested for battery on co-habitant, and an emergency protection order was obtained and served.
Wednesday, February 10:
7.Loss prevention personnel from JC Penney advised that they had detained a woman for theft around 5:29 p.m. The suspect concealed silver jewelry on her person and left the store without making payment. A private person’s arrest was made, and a 19-year-old Hispanic was taken into custody and additional stolen merchandise from Victoria’s Secret was recovered.
8.Units were dispatched to the 300 block of San Miguel around 6:00 p.m. regarding a woman pleading for help at the location. After many public address announcements requesting that occupants exit the house, a man and woman finally stepped outside. The man was uncooperative, and the woman had a contusion on her forehead but declined any medical treatment. Uncertain if other occupants may still be inside and in need of emergency aid, officers conducted a protective sweep of the house. During the sweep, multiple marijuana plants and paraphernalia were found. The 27-year-old male subject was arrested for inflicting corporal injury to co-habitant and cultivation of marijuana, and the 26-year-old female Caucasian was taken into custody for cultivation of marijuana and a $10,000 outstanding warrant.
Sunday, February 21:
2.Five auto burglaries were reported between 6:00 p.m. on February 20 and 3:30 p.m. on February 21. The burglaries occurred in the 800 and 900 blocks of Hampton, 500 block of Arbolada, 500 block of Alster, and 600 block of Gloria. The cars were either unlocked or the suspect(s) had to smash a car window to steal property.
2.An injury traffic collision occurred around 5:55 p.m. at Holly and Campus. A vehicle failed to stop for a red traffic signal and another vehicle had to swerve to avoid the collision and ended up crashing into a light pole. An 18-year-old female victim complained of chest pains and was transported to a hospital for medical treatment, and the driver who caused the accident fled the scene.
Monday, February 22:
3.Shortly before 3:00 p.m., a traffic stop was conducted at 180 Campus for a seatbelt violation. Five juveniles, between 12 and 13 years of age, were found in the backseat of the Honda Accord, with a juvenile lying on the floor. A 34-year-old male Hispanic driver was contacted, and a DMV check revealed that he was never issued a driver’s license and he had no insurance. The driver was arrested at the scene and a pre-booking inventory search revealed a baggie of crystalline substance resembling methamphetamine.
4.Around 7:16 p.m., a traffic stop was initiated at Peck and Randolph for an equipment violation. A record check of the 51-year-old male Caucasian driver revealed that he had outstanding misdemeanor warrants. An inventory search of the vehicle prior to impound was conducted and a baggie containing a white crystalline substance resembling methamphetamine was found underneath a seat. He was arrested for possession of a controlled substance and outstanding warrants.
Tuesday, February 23:
5.Between noon and 12:45 p.m., a residential burglary occurred in the 00 block of West Pamela. Unknown suspect(s) pried open a rear door to enter the home and then stole a large amount of cash, jewelry, and watches.
6.Around 2:36 p.m., officers detained a man riding a homemade moped at Colorado and San Juan. A 28-year-old male Caucasian was detained and a record check revealed that he had a no bail warrant out of Illinois and was taken into custody. Cook County was notified of the arrest and they will extradite.
Wednesday, February 24:
7.A burglary alarm activated in the 600 block of West Woodruff around 11:20 a.m., but the resident cancelled the call with the alarm company thinking that it was a false alarm. The residents returned home later to find that their home was burgled. A watch and two diamond rings were stolen.
8.Shortly before 11:00 p.m., a traffic stop was made at Santa Anita and Live Oak for a code violation. Officers detected the smell of alcohol on the driver’s breath and person, and his speech was slurred. A field sobriety test determined that the 54-year-old male Asian was operating the vehicle while under the influence and was arrested.
Thursday, February 25:
9.A victim came to the station around 8:58 a.m. to file a fraud report. The victim advised that an old acquaintance may have used his personal information to open a credit card account and made over $7,350 in unauthorized charges, which has since gone to a collection agency.
10.Units responded to the 800 block of West Duarte around 10:11 p.m. in reference to a domestic violence incident that occurred on February 16. The victim advised that during an argument with her husband, he choked her and pushed her to the ground. After the battery, her husband left the scene.
For the period of Sunday, February 21, through Saturday, February 27, the Police Department responded to 948 calls for service of which 146 required formal investigations. The following is a summary report of the major incidents handled by the Department during this period.
Sunday, February 21:
3.Five auto burglaries were reported between 6:00 p.m. on February 20 and 3:30 p.m. on February 21. The burglaries occurred in the 800 and 900 blocks of Hampton, 500 block of Arbolada, 500 block of Alster, and 600 block of Gloria. The cars were either unlocked or the suspect(s) had to smash a car window to steal property.
2.An injury traffic collision occurred around 5:55 p.m. at Holly and Campus. A vehicle failed to stop for a red traffic signal and another vehicle had to swerve to avoid the collision and ended up crashing into a light pole. An 18-year-old female victim complained of chest pains and was transported to a hospital for medical treatment, and the driver who caused the accident fled the scene.
Monday, February 22:
3.Shortly before 3:00 p.m., a traffic stop was conducted at 180 Campus for a seatbelt violation. Five juveniles, between 12 and 13 years of age, were found in the backseat of the Honda Accord, with a juvenile lying on the floor. A 34-year-old male Hispanic driver was contacted, and a DMV check revealed that he was never issued a driver’s license and he had no insurance. The driver was arrested at the scene and a pre-booking inventory search revealed a baggie of crystalline substance resembling methamphetamine.
4.Around 7:16 p.m., a traffic stop was initiated at Peck and Randolph for an equipment violation. A record check of the 51-year-old male Caucasian driver revealed that he had outstanding misdemeanor warrants. An inventory search of the vehicle prior to impound was conducted and a baggie containing a white crystalline substance resembling methamphetamine was found underneath a seat. He was arrested for possession of a controlled substance and outstanding warrants.
Tuesday, February 23:
5.Between noon and 12:45 p.m., a residential burglary occurred in the 00 block of West Pamela. Unknown suspect(s) pried open a rear door to enter the home and then stole a large amount of cash, jewelry, and watches.
6.Around 2:36 p.m., officers detained a man riding a homemade moped at Colorado and San Juan. A 28-year-old male Caucasian was detained and a record check revealed that he had a no bail warrant out of Illinois and was taken into custody. Cook County was notified of the arrest and they will extradite.
Wednesday, February 24:
7.A burglary alarm activated in the 600 block of West Woodruff around 11:20 a.m., but the resident cancelled the call with the alarm company thinking that it was a false alarm. The residents returned home later to find that their home was burgled. A watch and two diamond rings were stolen.
8.Shortly before 11:00 p.m., a traffic stop was made at Santa Anita and Live Oak for a code violation. Officers detected the smell of alcohol on the driver’s breath and person, and his speech was slurred. A field sobriety test determined that the 54-year-old male Asian was operating the vehicle while under the influence and was arrested.
Thursday, February 25:
9.A victim came to the station around 8:58 a.m. to file a fraud report. The victim advised that an old acquaintance may have used his personal information to open a credit card account and made over $7,350 in unauthorized charges, which has since gone to a collection agency.
10.Units responded to the 800 block of West Duarte around 10:11 p.m. in reference to a domestic violence incident that occurred on February 16. The victim advised that during an argument with her husband, he choked her and pushed her to the ground. After the battery, her husband left the scene.
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